




OCULOPLASTIC ORBITAL AND COSMETIC EYELID SURGERY Your eyes reveal expression, emotion, and what you feel to those around you. With aging, or due to heredity, the eyelids may undergo changes which can make an otherwise youthful individual appear tired, sad, or even angry. Through cosmetic eyelid surgery, fatty bags under the eyes, excess skin and fat of the upper eyelids, and drooping eyebrows can be dramatically improved.

WHAT IS AN OCULOPLASTIC SURGEON? An Oculoplastic surgeon is an ophthalmologist who has specialized training in "Cosmetic and Reconstructive Eyelid Surgery", the subspecialty of ophthalmology that deals with the diseases and surgery of the eyelids, the tear system, and the orbit (the bones around the eyes).

Dr. Goldberg concentrates on cosmetic and reconstructive eyelid surgery. He understands how your eyelids function and how to keep them healthy.

EYE CONDITIONS TREATED BY AN OCULOPLASTIC SURGEON Ptosis (Droopy Eyelids) - is a drooping of the eyelid that interferes with your vision. It can be related to aging changes, but may also be congenital and seen in children).

Entropion (in-turning of the eyelid) - is a disorder in which the eyelid turns inward causing the eyelashes to rub against the cornea. It may be episodic at first, but tends to become constant with time. It causes pain and a foreign body sensation and leaves the eye red and teary. Untreated it can cause decompensation or infection of the cornea.

Ectropion (out-turning of the eyelid) - is caused by a loosening of the tendons supporting the lower eyelid. It causes the lower eyelid to gap away from the eye and turn outward, exposing the under surface of the eyelid. It produces a red tearing eye which can become infected.

Blepharospasm - is a bilateral condition causing spasm, blinking, and closure of the eyelids. The spasms mare mild at first but frequently progress in severity and frequency and can incapacitate an individual due to the inability to open the eyelids. After a medical evaluation the disorder can be treated with injections of Botox. Occasionally, surgery is necessary.

Dry Eyes - is a condition caused by lack of tears. In cases when drops and ocular lubricants have failed to control the symptoms, the tear drainage system can be closed with plugs or can be closed with cautery. This will increase the retention of the patient's tears, which are the best lubricant of all.

Excessive Tearing - is caused when there is increased retention of tears and the eyelid does not have the capacity to hold them. The result is tear overflow down the cheek. Further, increased tears can cause significant difficulty reading, especially when looking through bifocals and occasionally can cause infection. The cause may include allergies, eyelid disorders, or an obstruction of the tear drainage system.

Bells Palsy - Damage to the facial nerve is the main cause of Bells palsy. This damage prevents proper closure of the eyelids and may cause drooping of the eyebrow. If the condition does not improve on it's own, certain surgical procedures can be performed, including elevation of the eyebrow, tightening of the lower eyelid, and gold weight insertion to improve upper eyelid closure.

Not every condition is listed. Consult Dr. Goldberg if you have any questions about a condition not described here.



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